Memorandum – Part 2 Evidence Expanded
ALL AIN members and all future claimants
Warning: Fraudulent Document issued from Susan Terry substack #5, entitled “Alliance of Indigenous Nations Under NA Federal Agency Investigation For Fraud+” Associated with the International Indigenous Tribunal – IIT
Re: Illegal Notice that was issued to ASMIN & AIN members using stolen ASMIN & AIN emails.
(see Item 1 below)
Let it be known that this is a fictitious document and is under investigation for fraud.
The facts are listed in detail below.
Please note: that a breakaway group from AIN started the IIT (Indigenous International Tribunal). What started out with good intentions for all concerned on the AIN panel, an internal procedural discussionerupted,leadingtoanattemptedtakeover. Sincethisbreakawaygroupacted dishonestly and illegally by issuing fraudulent Orders, altering issued AIN Orders, dishonoring the judicial oath, public disclosure of the judges and public defamatory articles written by Susan Terry, intended to divide and harm AIN & ASMIN, (which is also against their own teachings of ‘going in a good way’), the AIN council in collaboration with the ASMINTI council, felt it was their ethical and moral duty to inform you of these violations by summarizing the facts. It is best to be forewarned to discern for yourselves.
The members in this break-away group, are self-appointed clan mothers with one man, to form their own nation and their own International Indigenous Tribunal (IIT). As per Susan’s sub-stack writings in the above-mentioned article #5, Grand Chief Wabiska, was obviously convinced by the infiltrators, and without GC verifying or consulting with any of the AIN originators on his part, (which was an out of character and surprising move, as a past Chief Justice), joined with this break-away group.
Quote from article 5: “joining together under the direction of Grand Chief Wabiska Mukwa to form a ‘lawful’ international Indigenous tribunal”.
Series of events – the original women plus man in AIN were all involved in:
a) WronglyaccusingJohnCipollawithoutanyevidence
b) Whenaskedforproof,oldinternetarticleswereusedtomaketheircasewhichisnotvalid evidence.
c) Whenaskedtoshowtheevidence,theyproducednone.
d) Theaccusedindividualwasnotallowedtoexoneratehimselfforanyofthesewrongful accusations, no hearing, no notice, that even in a colonial court, he would have been given this right.
e) In one cited internet article, these women actually referred to a crime by an individual who had the same name as the accused but was/is not the accused individual in AIN.!!
f) When a family case was raised out of context to procedural protocol and judicial ethics, the women reacted unprofessionally, appallingly and offensively with anger. Instead of communicating for additional discourse to be added to the following week’s agenda and using conflict-resolution techniques as taught e.g. in S. Covey’s or T. Robbins’ trainings and workshops, they staged an
a rebellious, backroom comeback the following week, as an as an alleged alternative to the authentic Judicial Plan.
g) They created a fictitious, non-existent group within AIN, called the “Clan Mothers’ Council” who deceitfully issued a cease-and-desist Order to all the judges which initiated the attempted hostile takeover.
h) ThisfakeAINcease-and-desistOrdercontainedthestolencopyrightedEagleandCondor symbol, included a fraudulent signature and was issued independently to all AIN council member judges, including the neighbouring nation inner council members, called ASMINTI Founders. The matters addressed in the Order were not raised at AIN’s scheduled Monday hearing, which would have followed proper, judicial and fair procedures.
i) They proceeded to issue counterfeit Notices and Orders to all ASMINTI inner council members (see Memorandum – takeover-of-asmin-of-turtle-island/ ‘)along with 5 defamatory substack articles issued publicly by Susan Terry, aka Voice of Thunder, to discredit and degrade all the ASMIN originator council members, as well as spreading these same false stories to Grand Chief Wabiska Mukwa. The stories included accusations of mismanagement of membership fees of making grand amounts (with a one-time fee of $50. Only), concocted illegal money- venture activities via the presale of the router L.O.V.E. PODS, (contrary to their cries, PODS are being shipped), and horrific allegations of 2 of the members that went so far as to imply child trafficking!!! This is now under colonial law investigation and charges. (See Memorandum article for more details re fees- attempted-hostile-takeover-of-asmin-of-turtle-island/ ).
Unfortunately, Wabiska Mukwa seems to have believed this group’s stories, without jurisprudence and accordingly, as stated earlier and as mentioned above in sub-stack article 5, IIT is now under GC Wabiska’s direction.
j) AIN believes and holds strongly to adhering to proper, just and fair court proceedings for all claimants & respondents in order for all evidence to be heard – fairly, equitably and judicially.
k) WhenJohnCipollawastreatedunethically,withoutimpartialityorfairness,thentheir(IIT) process needs to be seriously questioned as potentially harmful or injurious to others. What kind of tribunal system is being created by IIT?
l) As a result of the break-away group members dishonouring the judicial oath, and issuing fraudulent Notices and Orders, public disclosure and lack of anonymity, the 3 women judges, 1 man judge and 2 clerks were removed for illegal, unlawful activities from the tribunal panel. They did not all resign/retire from AIN, (nor did Susan officially resign from AIN as she claims) other than one woman member clerk and the one-man judge who officially emailed their resignations.
m) Due to this chaotic upheaval (with an attempted hostile takeover) that this break-away group created and after their lawful removal, AIN overhauled their old infrastructure. This resulted in all of the previous judges resigning. It also allowed for a major revamping of the AIN tribunal with new guidelines, new measures, and new, stronger, knowledgeable and highly experienced members in both colonial and indigenous judicial law, code of conduct and ethics. Many of the new members of the tribunal are full-indigenous bloodline members as well as representing different countries, thus creating an exciting, well-informed international forum. Since this is a new development in the history of indigenous law and tribunals, the AIN council has learned much from its previous situation.
n) AIN and ASMIN (ASMINTI) are two separate organizations but writer, Susan Terry incorrectly links them together in each of her sub-stack articles. ASMINTI is the nation with its own tribunal ASKIT and AIN is the international organization of a world-wide alliance.
o) QuoteSusan:“creator,SabinaDeVita,claimingshefoundedthe‘council’in2023, when in fact this was done May ‘24 after their hijack of ASMIN and AIN” ASMINTI inner administrative council (the three members – Spirit Warrior, Dr. DeVita and Errol) was founded in 2020, not 2023, renamed in 2024 to ‘Founders Council’. The Founding Members are all indigenous, as per Article 3, UNDRIP, and one bloodline Metis.
See Memorandum – asmin-of-turtle-island/
q) John Cipolla became an ASMIN member in 2021 and was never part of the ASMIN or ASMINTI Founders council.
r) All website content about GC is safe and protected; as is his nomination letter, bio and portfolio that was also created over a 2-month period for GC Mukwa by Dr. DeVita in March 2024 when she nominated GC as a university honorary doctoral candidate.
s) Errol Francis (IT) was asked by SpiritWarrior to create the main tribunal site a this own expense – – EF was not a hired web techy by Dr. D., as Susan claims, rather he voluntarily worked with GC Wabiska Mukwa creating the ASKIT tribunal site.
t) Quote: “they also hijacked the domains and heritage of Grand Chief Wabiska” Hijacked the domains of ASMIN and AIN – How does one hijack their own domains and websites? How does one hijack GCW’s heritage? The Founding Members are all indigenous, as per Article 3, UNDRIP, and one bloodline Metis.
u) See Memorandum article re ASMINTI funds collected from 2020 to 2024-that were so low, funds had to be borrowed to complete IT work. attempted-hostile-takeover-of-asmin-of-turtle-island/
v) Quote:“Rakinginmembershipfees,offeringunaccreditedcoursesathighcost”– raking what fees? a $50. Life-time fee, that started in Sept. 2020 (only 34 members at year end)! and what courses? There was only one Healers program at $250. in 2021-2022 overseen and well organized and taught by Jacqueline Best. This course will shortly be augmented by Spirit Warrior.
w) As per sub-stack 5 – “If this hijack is in good faith, (an oxymoron) why did they remove ALL of Grand Chief Wabiska’s identity registered in his ASMIN name” – again what hijack? when the site www.asminofturtelisland is owned, paid for and operated by Dr. D.! ASMIN, ASKIT or GC did not pay for the sites, they do not own them. And 2ndly, due to copyright infringement, as seen by Susan’s use of Dr. D.’s material without permission in sub-stack #1, all materials owned by the web developers were merely unpublished for safety and protection of GC’s historical information.
x) WhyisSusanTerrysoadamantingainingaccesstoDr.D.’sownwebsiteandcopyright material?
y) It is truly astonishing to witness continued name-calling of the originators and creators regarding their own websites, zooms and blogs by Susan Terry (in all of her 5 sub- stacks). It is certainly a blatant sign of infiltration – divide, harm and destroy!!
See video:
Division Within – Our Birthright by Mikki Willis birthright.html
z) Who is Susan referring to by her own statement: “We project what is in our consciousness and mind onto others and the world stage. This is very evident behaviour of Narcissistic Sociopaths.”? Is this what she is projecting to the world stage
that is in her consciousness and mind: her ill-intent, defamation, negativity, as stated and intended in her own 5 articles?
While members are certainly free to leave our nation and the AIN Tribunal and to form their own groups, an endeavour in which we wish them good luck, they are NOT free to steal our property, issue false Orders with forged names and make groundless defamatory remarks with no evidence whatsoever.
May Susan wake up to what she is doing in her writings! Peace and truth to all,
The AIN Council in collaboration with ASMINTI Founders’ Council For peace, truth, justice, unity, wisdom and compassion.
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”
—Albert Einstein, physicist
Item 1
Illegal copying of emails
It is illegal to copy the ASMIN and AIN emails and send them from an email account that is not linked to the original sites, i.e., or to or or from
the ASMIN constant contact server, linked to The self-appointed clan
mother council, now IIT, have illegally done so which is also a breach in privacy law and members’ protection to remain anonymous.
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” —Buddha