Anishinabek Solutrean Metis Indigenous Nation of Turtle Island
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Askit for Equity Indigenous Tribunal

We feel Excited to announce!
The New Forming
ASMINTI Clan Mother Matriarch Council
(Application forms will be available soon if interested to partake)
Welcomes ALL to our family!
Freedom, Abundance & Health
Has any government created a win-win for you, your family or community?
Seems like they create more laws, give corporations more money,
restrict your rights and freedoms continually.
Do they know better than you?
Are you ready to take back your power and begin to co-create and
collaborate with women and men in new ways?
What you focus on continually expands.
What if we all started to focus on a new vision:
Peace, Harmony, Love, Abundance
Sound too good to be true?
You will never know until you experience it.
Your RIGHTS and FREEDOMS are supported by ASKIT which is our lawful tribunal.
Who are we?
A tribe of WOMEN & MEN working in community.
We live on Turtle Island, commonly known as North & South America & the Caribbean,
and so do you…RIGHT?
YES, so YOU too are INDIGENOUS! LISTEN to link below.
JOIN US in co-creating from the HEART and MIND.
It’ ALL up to you. The CHOICE is YOURS.
Choose to move forward in YOUR FUTURE by clicking the Green Button above.

Support the Effort to Reclaim our Natural Resources
We have spent many lifetimes working to reclaim our Rights of Stewardship and Entitlements to a Property in the Soil, including our water, so we can benefit from our Great Creatrix’s Natural Resources, and develop and offer an alternative wealth system to our worldwide Indigenous community, all protected under our Matriarchal law system.
Knowing Who You Are
The Law
Those Rights for our Nation were recognized by the Supreme Court of CANADA in the Landmark case Daniels v CANADA on April 14, 2016.
Then, on Feb. 13, 2020, an Ottawa Superior Court Justice confirmed that Ottawa is on OUR Un-Ceded Land, triggering The Royal Proclamation of 1763, that is preserved at S. 25 of The Charter of Rights.
Parliament must now vacate Ottawa in favour of a NEW Indigenous Government.
Join The Land Claim in Trespass
We have filed Land Claims in Trespass in Superior / Supreme Courts of numerous provinces, which are now at the Supreme Court of CANADA.
We are demanding that the Crown Inc. demonstrate a prior, superior title to our Autochthonous Land (Allodial or absolute) Title, pursuant to the Common Law of Trespass.
Since the Crown has not produced any such prior title, OUR version of Autochthonous (Allodial) Title displaces the inferior Fee Simple Title, which has been the lowest form of land title granted by the Crown Inc. that received only a Head Tenancy from the Mohawk Tribe (who also trespassed from New York state after the British and Mohawk lost the Revolutionary War of 1776 and were forced northward).
In OUR Indigenous world, ALL the people who are born here on Turtle Island enjoy their birthright to claim the vast resources of Canada (valued at U.S. $700 Trillion) that up to now have been in the military or de facto control of the Crown Inc., as stated by the Supreme Court of CANADA (SCC) in Tsilhquot’in v BC [2014 SCC 44 at para. [32].
For its part, the United Nations had implemented the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). This U.N. Committee, in 2016, blamed the Papal Bulls for Indigenous suffering globally, especially the 1095 Bull called “Terra Nullius” (aka The Doctrine Of Discovery), which contended non-Christians could not own any Land, so the Resources were up for conquest
The CERD wrote to the Canadian Parliament on Nov. 24, 2020 advising that :
- Parliament had 1 year to pass the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP). On June 21, 2021, Parliament ratified the UNDRIP via Bill C-15, S. 2 (3) of which states nothing delays UNDRIP.
- The Crown Inc. must begin Consultation, as mandated by the SCC in Tsilhquot’in v BC [78] andR v Desautel [72], which the Justices and Crown Inc. in several ASMINTI cases failed to do. Instead, the ONTARIO Court of Appeal (a mere corporation) stated that the lineages of Jean Nicolet, who started the fur trade and fathered the first Metis child in 1628 on Turtle Island, are a people “dressed up in Indian garb.”
Such is the racial discrimination by a small coterie of lawyers, and lawyers appointed as Justices by the hidden Privy Council sitting on the Un-ceded Land of the indigenous people in Ottawa.
It is important to realize that the Government of CANADA consented to the entrenching of the UNDRIP into the Constitution at S. 35, which is after the Charter Rights that CANADA can override. Since S. 35 is protected by S. 52, the UNDRIP is now the supreme law of the land.
What does this mean for you, if you are born on Turtle Island ?
UNDRIP Article 1 protects your Individual Right, Article 3 protects our Individual Right to self-determine, and Article 44 gives all of UNDRIP’s Rights to Individuals. Articles 4, 20, 26 and 36 protects a new financial system based on OUR resources
Join the Claim on The Natural Resources
~Including The Water~
Become a Member of ASMIN of Turtle Island (ASMINTI) simply by self-determination for those born here, or by adoption for those born outside Turtle Island (the Americas plus the Caribbean).
Application for Membership in ASMINTI
Anishinabek Solutrean Metis Indigenous Nation of Turtle Island is one of the oldest un-conquered, un-surrendered, un-treatied Matriarchal Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island.
If accepted, you also become a Member of the Land Claim in Trespass, designed to regain Autochthonous (Allodial) title to OUR Lands from the Crown Inc. and its corporate affiliates*.
*Many people are just learning that CANADA and most of its provinces are mere corporations registered on the SEC at E.D.G.A.R. and that the ONCA and the SCC are also mere corporations registered on Dun & Bradstreet. According to the late Peter Hogg, the SCC is not entrenched into the Constitution as it is a court by statute, whereas Indigenous Tribunals are entrenched at UNDRIP Article 27, 34 and 40 on consent, which consent is a LIMIT on CANADA’s claim to sovereignty (Google R v Hape SCC 2007 [43]).
Benefits of Membership
Autochthonous (Allodial) Title
You become a Member of the Land Claim in Trespass, and regain absolute Authochthonous (Allodial) title to OUR Land from the Crown Inc. and its corporate entities, which title can never be taken away from you !
Intellectual Property
You can earn money and protect your Intellectual creation, (be it in Music, Science or whatever human endeavour) from theft, as of the date you type the Idea into your ASMINTI account
Seize Your Wealth
You can educate yourself about Real Money vs the Fiat Currency recurring trap, Here and gain access to the new Indigenous Wealth System.
You obtain your PRIVATE ASMINTI A #, then register your Intellectual property under the new A #, guaranteeing you 50% of the profits earned as other Members learn of …………