The Anishinabek Solutrean Métis Indigenous Nation (ASMIN)
The Anishinabek Solutrean Métis Indigenous Nation (ASMIN) is one of the oldest un-surrendered un-treatied Matriarchal Indigenous Nations of North America (Turtle Island). Under Indigenous Customs and Traditions our Nation is based on family, clan, community as part of an extended matriarchal familiar relationship with many, if not all communities on Turtle Island. Our presence on Turtle Island “as we say “goes back to time immemorial. Our Communities are and were part of the earth mother as important components of the ecosystem, “stewards of the land”, ever moving ever present. Family making ceremonies was a significant component of social interaction between tribes and Nations. Champlain stated there is a new race of people the blending of the indigenous and the French traders which became in common usage, the Métis people, first coined by the American traders in the 1700’s, more commonly as the “Le Bastard Canadiens”, Pre and Post 1608.
In fact the first family of New France, Louis Hebert and Marie Rollet (the first family of New France) the founders of the Quebec trade settlement, were the 9th great grandparents of ASMIN’s current Hereditary Grand Chief Wabiska Mukwa (Zane Viger Plouffe Bell) and the Clan Mothers. The early colony to conduct trade, required the embrace of traditional customs of intermarriage with the indigenous people. Even the Daughter of the King and the Daughters of the Sea brought to Quebec to marry with the colonial Frenchmen were, all brought from France is disputed. Many have said (oral tradition) these young women were from Port Royal in Nova Scotia, Métis orphans and indigenous women picked up and taken to Quebec. Women were a commodity in Kanata till 1981, under colonial western customs.
One of the Main Métis lines of ASMIN was the descendants of Jean Nicolet and Sauvagesse Nipissirinienne their daughter Marie-Madeleine Euphrosine Nicolet, Métis, born 1626 in Ile aux Aumettes, Ontario – died 30 September 1698 in Hotel-Dieu de Quebec (59 yrs). Jean Nicolet was adopted into the Algonquin Nation as a War Chief. His second wife was Louis Hebert and Marie Rollet’s granddaughter, his cousin. (A large Métis surname list of our Nation families will be posted on another page.)
Our declaration of Sovereignty is based on Indigenous customs and traditions, absolute indigenous rights, governance, financial and international trade, always on the land, never surrendered, never signed treaty. [1] Papal Bulls [2], Capitulation of Quebec and Montreal[3], Treaty of Paris 1763[4] Royal Proclamation 1763[5], British North America Act, 1867[6], Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom[7] , Constitution of the Corporation of the Constitutional Monarchy 1982[8], R vs Polley, 2003[9] , Daniels Case[10], United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People[11], Submission of Comprehensive Claim to Canada, United Kingdom and the United Nation, 2009[12] , Resubmission of Claim to the United Nations Canada and the United Kingdom 2005 under simple signature[13], Queens Response Letter April, 2016[14] , United Nations Treaty Handbook [1], United Nations Decolonization Declaration, 2013[2] , Daniel versus Supreme Court decision 2016[3], Saamak People Vs Surinam[4], and other extensive relevant documents.
European History is very relevant to the issue of Indigenous Rights. In 1730’s to 1750’s Carl Linneaus wrote the System Naturae and different classes of human species, Europaeus governed by laws (superior) and Americanus governed by custom, any blending was considered monstrous. This new science can be considered the bases of racial genocide of the indigenous people of Canada, inferior humans especially the mixed breeds the Métis, upon the military occupation of New France by the British.
After the fall of Quebec City, France formally ceded the French Colonial Trade colony to Britain in the Treaty of Paris (1763) France had no treaties with the indigenous peoples of Canada. (French and Indian War/Seven Years’ War, 1754-1763)
WE are not a surrendered Nation – nor a Not for Profit Corporation under the laws of Canada, which are in fact owned by the Corporation Of Canada/Provinces. And these NFPs are service providers to provide services to members of these associations. The Métis rebellions in Manitoba resulted, under the Manitoba Act of 1886, the surrender of Métis in the Indian territories under Script. Again benefits not aboriginal rights but just service provisions such as determined under contract as is under the Indian Act treaties, determined by the corporate government. The Eastern Métis have never surrendered except those who have signed up to these Not for Profit Corporations, reporting to be “Métis Nations” under various names, essentially political lobbyist groups abrogating and derogating indigenous rights.
In the next few months a more historical based expansion of these concepts will be posted on the web site. Numerous domestic and international court challenges will also be identified.